Sunday, August 23, 2009

“Perhaps a corpse would be reanimated; galvanism had given tokens of such things. . . ” (8)

This is Victor’s summation of the method through which he discovered “the secret of life” – galvanism. Galvanism is the infusion of electric current into muscle tissue to stimulate them and was believed, for a long time, to be a way to end life and to restore it. It is through the infusion of current that Victor’s ordeal with his creation began. Had Luigi Galvani not discovered galvanism in 1791 with the knowledge becoming common in Shelley's lifetime, then Victor could not have discovered the secret of life and the monster would not have become animated, avoiding the torment that plagued him for the rest of him life.


"Galvanism." Corrosion science and engineering information hub. Web. 23 Aug. 2009.

1 comment:

  1. excellent research and integration into the commentary -- and the discussion of its implication to the novel -- I like how you speculate upon how the novel wouldn't work were it not for the context

